Whether it’s cold and damp or warm and humid, moisture trapped inside your Perth will stimulate the growth of mould. Mould can grow on walls, clothes, books, toys and even cupboards. It can turn prized possessions into musty relics that only look fit for the garbage.


 Firstly, what is mould?


Moulds are a form of fungus. There are many different types, and they can occur both indoors and outdoors. Moulds produce spores, which spread by floating around in the air. Mould spores are present in all indoor environments. There is no way to prevent spores, and they can persist in conditions where mould cannot grow. Mould spores thrive in moist and warm environments, so they begin to grow when they land on a damp spot.


Why is it bad?

Mould poses plenty of health risks including, respiratory problems, sinus infections, headaches and eye irritation being the most common. However, more serious problems can also occur, particularly overtime.


 Here is our handy rule of three to keep your home mould-free:


  1.   Open the windows:Try and ventilate your Perth house as much as possible. Kitchens and bathrooms are at the highest risk of developing mould, so when cooking or having a shower, open a window or two for a short time to help the moisture flow out of the house instead of building up.
  2.   Shut your doors:Try to confine excess moisture to main moisture inducing rooms. For instance, don’t leave the bathroom door open while having a shower or bath. If you do, the steam will travel around the house more freely, potentially causing mould development. Over time, condensation can build up on walls in your hallway – this is the start of mould growth.
  3.   Clean your carpeted rooms and rugs:If you notice an unpleasant odour in carpeted rooms, it’s important to act. Mould in carpets can be invisible to the naked eye, but oftentimes they could be rapidly spreading right under your feet.

On top of that, here are more preventative tips for your home in Perth:


  • Avoid indoor activities that produce moisture, such as drying clothes.
  • Ensuring that all fabrics are thoroughly dry before storing them.
  • Emptying and airing rarely used drawers and closets from time-to-time.
  • Acting quickly if a leak or spillage occurs indoors.
  • Using a dehumidifier to reduce indoor moisture.
  • Using exhaust fans to remove moisture during cooking.
  • Regularly cleaning so that mould cannot build up on surfaces, dust, or other matter
  • Using mould-killing products when cleaning the bathroom.
  • Maintaining buildings, facilities, gutters, and drains to reduce the risk of leaks.



A building inspector in Perth will be able to pick up on mould development around your Perth home. Our job is to pick up on mould issues and advise on preventative steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Get in touch with our team of Perth building inspectors today.


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