Ten-year plans are created to forecast the expenditure needed to maintain the functionality and aesthetics of strata schemes over a ten-year period.
We also conduct five-year reviews for strata schemes, ensuring that ongoing maintenance and repairs are managed effectively in line with regulatory requirements.

Builders Liability Period Reports
This report should be obtained before the expiry of the builder’s liability period, which is typically five to seven years after completion. It ensures that your asset is protected by holding the builder accountable for any non-compliance with the Building Code of Australia or for substandard workmanship.
BCI WA’s reports are tailored to help you manage necessary repairs and provide feedback to your builder, ensuring that any issues are addressed within the liability period.

Asbestos Management Plans
An Asbestos Management Plan outlines how asbestos management requirements for a strata scheme or workplace containing asbestos will be implemented and maintained. Property owners are responsible for managing the risks associated with asbestos and Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) to minimise the risk of asbestos-related diseases.

Project Assist is a service designed to help strata managers ensure that building repairs are being carried out as per the quote and the Building Code of Australia. BCI WA conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the works completed and reports on the quality of workmanship prior to payment installations. BCI WA are independent inspectors and have no vested interest in signing off on work that is incomplete or that has been done to a substandard level.

We offer targeted inspections on any specific item or area agreed upon beforehand, providing actionable insights to maintain your property. Common items we inspect include structural components, roofing, plumbing, electrical systems, insulation, ventilation, and safety concerns.
BCI WA inspectors draw on 25 years of experience each to work out how and why a issue is present, offering knowledgeable insights and practical remedial advice.

Ten Year Plan or Five Year Reviews
Ten-year plans are created to forecast the expenditure needed to maintain the functionality and aesthetics of strata schemes over a ten-year period.
We also conduct five-year reviews for strata schemes, ensuring that ongoing maintenance and repairs are managed effectively in line with regulatory requirements.
At BCI WA, our registered builders inspect every building element and provide repair and maintenance recommendations based on the current condition.

Builders Liability Period Reports
This report should be obtained before the expiry of the builder’s liability period, which is typically five to seven years after completion. It ensures that your asset is protected by holding the builder accountable for any non-compliance with the Building Code of Australia or for substandard workmanship.
BCI WA’s reports are tailored to help you manage necessary repairs and provide feedback to your builder, ensuring that any issues are addressed within the liability period.

Asbestos Management Plans
An Asbestos Management Plan outlines how asbestos management requirements for a strata scheme or workplace containing asbestos will be implemented and maintained. Property owners are responsible for managing the risks associated with asbestos and Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) to minimise the risk of asbestos-related diseases.

Project Assist
Project Assist is a service designed to help strata managers ensure that building repairs are being carried out as per the quote and the Building Code of Australia. BCI WA conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the works completed and reports on the quality of workmanship prior to payment installations. BCI WA are independent inspectors and have no vested interest in signing off on work that is incomplete or that has been done to a substandard level.

Problem-solving Inspections
We offer targeted inspections on any specific item or area agreed upon beforehand, providing actionable insights to maintain your property. Common items we inspect include structural components, roofing, plumbing, electrical systems, insulation, ventilation, and safety concerns.
BCI WA inspectors draw on 25 years of experience each to work out how and why a issue is present, offering knowledgeable insights and practical remedial advice.